7+ Best Online Video Platforms of 2024 (Ranked & Reviewed)

Video content is gradually turning into the ruler of online data. Meaning you need to use the Best Online Video Platforms. Over 85% of web clients lean toward video over other content types.

No big surprise then that internet-based videos from YouTube is as of now the second biggest web crawler.

The live video web-based industry is likewise projected to have a valuation of $184.27 billion by 2027.

So, with regards to video promoting organizations, free internet-based video facilitating stages like YouTube miss the mark.

That is where proficient Online Video Platforms (OVPs) come into the scene. These video arrangements offer organizations numerous advantages, from live real-time and adaptation models to video advertising support.

I will talk about probably the most well-known web-based video stages you can evaluate this year in light of who it’s best for, its critical highlights, and estimating.

I’ll likewise attempt to answer a few normal questions that you could have with respect to any sort of OVP.

What Are the Best Online Video Platforms?

Here is the rundown of my first internet-based video stage:

1. Setplex.

Best for IPTV and OTT

setplex homepage

Setplex has reliably driven the IPTV/OTT board software market with lots of aptitude in the always-changing streaming industry. To foster an answer that works, they keep on spending vigorously on R&D, giving clients an upper hand.

They mean to be a market chief concerning programming improvement, with the best client experience and excellent client assistance and backing. They can deal with your necessities in general, from equipment to programming. They give all that you’ll have to a total IPTV arrangement, whether on-premises or in the cloud.

With a library of enhanced and reliably refreshed highlights, their answers permit you to adapt and convey the best client experience conceivable.


  • With many years of ability, the framework is intended to make your foundation ready in only 24 hours.
  • It offers an easy-to-understand panel interface that is intended to be basic and clear to utilize.
  • The product is profoundly adaptable on request because of utilizing microservices engineering with docker compartments.
  • Their middleware empowers you to alter the UIs of your applications straightforwardly.


2. Uscreen.

Best For Monetizing Videos

Uscreen Homepage

Uscreen is a board online video platform that offers a total arrangement of highlights for monetizing videos. Uscreen’s OVP gives functionalities to live real-time as well as video-on-request (VOD). Utilizing this video arrangement, you can totally control all your transfers and effectively adapt them.

The platform makes customization a snap for advertisers through numerous subjects, the capacity to add captions and subtitles, and even overlay GIFs. You can likewise change the playback speed, incorporate autoplay choices, and interact worldwide installments from a solitary dashboard.

The one huge viewpoint where Uscreen contrasts with YouTube is that it doesn’t rely upon video advertisements for monetization. All things being equal, it allows you to make your own VOD service that works on a membership model. You could in fact sell individual recordings on a compensation for every view premise.


Dissimilar to numerous internet-based course-creation platforms, Uscreen isn’t so much for simply instructive courses. You can make recordings in any specialty that you like, and Uscreen will convey the substance to your interest group.

Coming up next are a portion of the highlights that Uscreen brings to the table:

  • On-demand video streaming
  • Subscription-based and pay-per-view monetization model
  • Entirely web-based interface
  • Available on mobile platforms
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Dedicated training resources
  • Direct social media sharing
  • Detailed analytics and reports


Uscreen Pricing Page

Uscreen has a straightforward three-level estimating plan that scales as indicated by your necessities. Likewise, the free preliminary guarantees you can get a vibe of the stage prior to financial planning.

Here is a separation of Uscreen’s estimating plans:

  • Basic Plan at $49/month
  • Amplify Plan at $399/month
  • Enterprise Plan at custom rates

All costs referenced above are for the yearly charging cycle. In the event that you’re still wavering, you can go with the month to month designs too.

Perceive how Uscreen could be a distinct advantage for your business.

3. Wistia.

Best For Digital Marketing

Wistia Homepage

Wistia is an internet-based video platform that essentially centers around digital marketing. Their mastery lies in giving a TV-grade video experience that permits your business to develop its crowd base.

Wistia’s uniqueness lies in the way that it assists online advertisers with utilizing video to build leads and supporters. Utilizing Wistia, you can make recordings for the purpose of remarketing, target explicit crowd fragments, and substantially more.

This OVP is brilliant for giving customized video encounters to clients in different specialties. The main disadvantage to it is that it doesn’t offer the capacity for live streaming. Likewise, it is a piece costly, and probably won’t be reasonable for tiny organizations.


All wisteria’s highlights permit your business to make significant (and beneficial) associations with the crowd. As a video facilitating stage, it offers unlimited oversight for transferring and overseeing recordings.

Coming up next is a concise rundown of a portion of the stage’s significant elements:

  • Fast playback experience
  • Fully customizable video player
  • Interactive video marketing tools
  • ad-free experience
  • Dedicated autoplay and channels
  • Smooth integrations with platforms such as Marketo 
  • limitless viewers and bandwidth
  • Ability to deliver global content
  • Automatic SEO
  • Audience tracking and A/B testing
  • Completely mobile-friendly
  • Advanced analytics capabilities


Wistia Pricing Page

Wistia is one of only a handful of exceptional platforms that offer a totally free arrangement for clients. The free plans allows you to dabble around the platforms and comprehend whether it’s reasonable for your requirements. Then, at that point, you can without much of a stretch move up to one of the paid plans listed underneath.

1. Free Plan at $0/Month

  • Up to three recordings or digital broadcast episodes
  • Up to 250 channel supporters
  • A/B testing highlight

2. Pro Plan at $99/month

  • Up to ten free recordings or digital broadcast episodes
  • Up to 250 channel supporters with email warnings
  • Redone video player marking

3. Advanced Plan at Custom Prices

  • Up to 100 free recordings or digital broadcast episodes
  • Numerous video and digital recording channels
  • More than 250 endorsers with email notices

The high-level arrangement likewise accompanies outsider mix capacities, needs client assistance, and custom marking. You can add additional records as the need might arise for a simple quarter for the paid plans.

4. Vimeo.

Best For Professional Content Creators

Vimeo Homepage

Vimeo varies from virtual entertainment-based video platforms, for example, YouTube and Dailymotion since it’s more coordinated towards experts. This OVP began tasks in 2004 and right now has in excess of 90 million experts utilizing its services.

The one benefit that Vimeo has over other web-based video platforms is its adaptability. Vimeo acknowledges videos of various bitrates, goals, and encodings. The platform is totally promotion free, which makes for a vastly improved review insight.

Vimeo additionally permits you to install video from the platforms onto your site. Pack that with limitless data transmission, the capacity to download recordings, and completely adaptable settings, and you have a total platforms for facilitating your recordings.


Aside from being a brilliant tool for proficient content makers, Vimeo is likewise a sufficient platform for anybody hoping to contact crowds through live streaming. Its assortment of straightforward yet useful assets permits you to oversee and impart recordings to a couple of snaps.

Here is a rundown of the elements that Vimeo brings to the table:

  • Live streaming and screen recording abilities
  • Predefined video layouts
  • Advertisements free review insight
  • Completely confidential video hosting
  • Stock film
  • Adjustable HTML5 video player
  • Progressed analytics
  • Clutterless coordinated effort tools

The help likewise has the choice of recruiting an expert video maker for your undertaking. Regardless of whether you’re not a video master, you can undoubtedly employ the services of one straightforwardly from the platform.


Vimeo Pricing Page

Since Vimeo is totally promotion free, it’s normal that it has a membership-based income model. Notwithstanding, its valuing plans are stumbled across five levels, and you can pick the one that best suits your necessities.

1. Basic Plan at $0/month

  • Everlastingly free arrangement
  • Restricted capacity
  • Restricted help

2. Plus Plan at $7/month

  • Single client plan
  • Up to 250 GB transfers consistently
  • Limitless transfer speed

3. Pro Plan at $20/month

  • Three clients
  • Dependent upon one TB of transfers each year
  • Limitless Bandwidth

4. Business Plan at $50/month

  • Ten clients
  • Complete five TB stockpiling
  • No week-by-week restricts

5. Premium Plan at $75/month

  • Limitless live viewers
  • Limitless live streams
  • All out seven TB stockpiling

All plans are billed annually, and every paid plan comes with a 30-day free trial. The trial ensures that you don’t have to pay anything before you’re satisfied with the service.

5. Dacast.

Best For Small and Medium Businesses

Dacast is a video real-time platform that gives facilitating choices to on-request as well as live video. This OVP is completely cloud-based and gives answers for live streaming. It likewise has arrangements for OTT gushing across cell phones.

Utilizing Dacast, your business can connect with watchers all around the world through the world’s top-most CDNs. The help is reasonable for little and medium organizations that need to use video and develop their client base.

Dacast’s strong HTML5-based video player works across numerous gadgets and site advances. You essentially have to implant the player on your site, and it’ll chip away at any gadget without requesting that the client introduce any module.


Dacast permits you to adapt your videos and supports a limitless number of live channels and watchers. You can add live inscriptions and captions, alongside geo-limiting substance as indicated by the viewer area.

Coming up next is a rundown of Dacast’s fundamental highlights:

  • Totally promotion-free experience
  • Programming interface access for outsider player integration
  • High-level video encryption features
  • Continuous video examination
  • Low-idleness streaming
  • Constant informing convention support
  • Viable with the most famous portable platforms
  • An enormous number of tools for monetizing recordings


Dacast Pricing Page

Dacast offers adaptable valuing plans that are reasonable for organizations, everything being equal. The valuing is separated across four levels and scales as per your requirements. Coming up next is a separation of each arrangement, alongside evaluation. All costs referenced are for yearly charging cycles.

1. Starter Plan at $39/month

  • Reasonable for tiny crowds
  • 1080p broadcasting
  • 50GB storage

2. Event Plan at $63/month

  • Reasonable for events
  • Real-time analytics
  • 50GB storage

3. Scale Plan at $188/month

  • One TB storage
  • Appropriate for developing organizations
  • High level library management

4. Custom Plans

  • Remembers everything for the Scale plan
  • Appropriate for huge scope occasions that request high volumes
  • Gives extra client care

6. Brightcove.

Best For Large Businesses

The Brightcove OVP helps huge organizations and media organizations give HD, on-request, and live recordings to their crowds. This endeavor video stage incorporates support for over-the-top (OTT) video, dynamic advertisements, and, surprisingly, high-level investigation.

Perhaps the best thing about this venture video arrangement is that your business holds its video content’s full proprietorship privileges, in contrast to YouTube. This guarantees that your recordings don’t experience because of copyright encroachment.

Brightcove’s emphasis lies in enormous scope outside video conveyance. The platform effectively incorporates different apparatuses like Marketo and Google Ads Manager. Such combinations empower it to help various types of promotion and convey better yields.


Like Dacast, Brightcove involves the HTML5 standard for its media player. The utilization of open-source principles guarantees that it can chip away at all restrictive as well as open-source platforms. It additionally offers complete video examination and REST APIs.

Here is a rundown of the fundamental highlights of the platform:

  • Cloud-based transcoding
  • Altered video gateways
  • Dynamic promotion addition
  • every minute of everyday support
  • Versatile bitrates
  • Upholds spilling on all gadgets
  • Simple incorporation with advertising and virtual entertainment devices
  • No restrictions on document size and video length
  • Viable with various document designs


Brightcove Contact Page

All things considered, Brightcove doesn’t distribute its valuing plans. You really want to reach them straightforwardly for tweaked citations for each estimating level. Their valuing plans incorporate the accompanying.

1. Starter Plan

  • Up to 200 videos
  • Up to 100,000 plays
  • Limit of five clients

2. Professional Plan

  • Limitless  videos
  • North of 100,000 plays
  • North of ten clients

3. Enterprise Plan

  • Limitless recordings
  • More than 100,000 plays
  • Client investigation

7. Vidyard.

Best For Lead Generation

Vidyardcenters around lead age and assists your business with coordinating videos in its showcasing system. It incorporates every single fundamental component and tools for video advertising arrangements that improve viewership and crowd reach.

The platform centers around assisting organizations with expanding their effort. It has all of the video facilitating and video distributing instruments to make the cycle simple, from video creation to video the board. It additionally incorporates choices for social sharing.

One more part of Vidyard that I like is that the platform is supported by powerful video examination and gives significant measurements that showcasing groups can use. It might coordinate with other business tools like Gmail, Marketo, and Salesforce.


As far as elements, Vidyard can help little, medium, and enormous scope ventures increment viewership. You can without much of a stretch make recordings utilizing the platform from the solace of your iPhone. It even incorporates a screen recording highlight that could prove to be useful.

Coming up next is a rundown of a few critical elements of Vidyard:

  • Customized recordings
  • Video playlists
  • Quick and successful video transfers and altering
  • Enlivened reviews
  • Totally promotion free web-based video facilitating
  • Simple video uploader gadget
  • SSO and secret word insurance
  • Simple video sharing and improvement
  • Programmed records
  • CRM mixes
  • Individual-level examination


Vidyard’s estimating plans have four levels: Free, Pro, Teams, and Business. Of these, the initial two plans are focused on individual makers, while the excess two are for bigger groups and organizations. Coming up next is a separation of each arrangement and its expense.

1. Free Plan at $0/month

  • Limitless recording and transfers
  • Simple sharing by means of email and social channels
  • No Mastercard required

2. Pro Plan at $15/month

  • Secret word security
  • Capacity to answer to video remarks
  • CTA creation capacity

3. Teams Plan at $300/month

  • At least three clients
  • Tweaked marking
  • Definite investigation

4. Business Plan at $1250/month

  • At least five clients
  • Adaptable CTAs
  • MAP/CRM reconciliation

8. JW Player.

Best For Adaptive Live Streaming

JW Player’sspecialty is its versatile streaming capacities in view of open-source advancements. It involves an HTML5 media player for streaming VOD content. The web-based video stage offers a full-administration live streaming supplier as JW Live.

The platform first began with tasks as an independent video player. In any case, its ubiquity moved it to venture into video facilitating. It upholds progressed elements, for example, DRM, and that implies you don’t need to stress over copyright encroachment on your substance.

JW player gives video facilitating answers for organizations as well as people. Its essential spotlight is on promoting, adapting, and web-based the best video content. It likewise incorporates support for OTT services and allows you to get to the cutting-edge investigation.


Aside from living to stream, this platfrom upholds multi-bitrate transcoding and simulcasting to Facebook live. I especially like its promoting highlights, which permit you to adapt your video records effortlessly.

Here is a rundown of its critical highlights:

  • VOD and Live streaming
  • Totally Cloud-based activities
  • Modified video displays
  • Programming interface incorporation with outsider stages
  • Easy Workflow incorporation
  • Publicizing based adaptation
  • Permit clients to watch recordings in full HD
  • Computerization-based suggestion motor
  • Worldwide video outreach


JW Player Pricing Page

The makers of JW Player have continued to cost plans as basic as could be expected. They offer a totally free 30-day time for testing during which you can evaluate all items included. You likewise get 75GB streaming and 25GB facilitating tossed in.

When you’re certain you can involve the help to your advantage, you can decide on a paid arrangement:

What are Online Video Platforms?

Online video stages are web-based services that permit you to transfer, have, and appropriate life as well as recorded video content. These platform additionally offer organizations the chance to adapt their video content and use it for the end goal of advertising.

OVPs for the most part have embeddable video players that permit you to add quite a few recordings to your site. Since they are basically cloud-based, you can get to them from anyplace. OVPs take special care of a large number of ventures, from training to diversion.

Is there any valid reason why You shouldn’t Just Use YouTube?

That is the undeniable inquiry that ought to be going through your psyche, and I’ll endeavor to respond to it here. YouTube is without a doubt the help that began the video development and is as yet one of the business’ most unmistakable players. In any case, as we’ve seen, there are lots of Youtube choices.

Many services like Kaltura, Sproutvideo, and those recorded here have entered the web-based video market. Every one of these tools takes special care of various areas of buyers and organizations. They likewise offer remarkable toolsets for bettering the video creation process.

The services referenced above offer organizations and individual makers many benefits as streaming services. While YouTube is more centered around the conventional customer, paid OVPs permit you to target explicit crowds for a better foothold.

Another benefit that OVPs have over YouTube is that the adaptation model did not depend on advertisements alone. Utilizing these platform, you can offer membership-based or pay-per-view installment models to your purchasers.

On the off chance that you’re a business that requires to make recordings for interior preparation and correspondence, then, at that point, security turns into a critical variable. You can’t simply transfer recordings containing secret business data to YouTube.

OVPs offer much better security and protection highlights in this regard. Additionally, while you’re transferring to these platform, you hold full freedoms over your recordings. There’s no doubt of losing imaginative freedoms to your work.

These variables meet up to make OVPs alluring choices for organizations to use the force of video. Yet, on the off chance that you’re still in uncertainty, the accompanying segment ought to clear them.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can OVPs Integrate With Social Media Channels?

Most OVPs can coordinate with famous virtual entertainment channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. A few services can likewise communicate with other business devices like Marketo and Salesforce.

2. Do OVPs Offer Video Analytics?

Indeed they do. Most well-known OVPs give bits of knowledge into viewership information as analytics. A few platfrom even permit more noteworthy degrees of granularity and division with regards to grasping video viewership.

3. Is It Better To Opt for a Paid Plan?

OVPs generally offer free preliminaries during which you can evaluate the help. A few suppliers considerably offer free designs for essential use, yet these choices will be seriously restricted concerning capacities. It’s ideal to pick a paid arrangement to get the full advantages and consequences of any platform.

Wrap Up

Practically 85% of organizations like to involve video as a promoting channel today. Accordingly, the interest in OVPs is simply going to increment.

In the event that you intend to improve your business by utilizing video, look over the accompanying rundown:

  • SetPlex: Best for IPTV and OTT
  • Uscreen: Best For Monetizing Videos
  • Wistia: Best For Digital Marketing
  • Vimeo: Best For Professional Content Creators
  • Dacast: Best For Small and Medium Businesses
  • Brightcove: Best For Large Businesses
  • Vidyard: Best For Lead Generation
  • JW Player: Best For Adaptive Live Streaming

Anything your video needs, I’m certain you’ll have the option to satisfy them from among the services referenced previously.

For further reading on sassuo.com, check these Best Green Screen Software